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The most recognized figure in the reformation is probably Martin Luther. He lived from 1483 to 1546 and is best known for nailing the 95 theses to the church door in Whittenburg, though he also did things like write the New Testament in German and write many other books.

Luther was very troublesome to the Catholics, and was excommunicated by Leo X. He was so hated that he had be kidnapped by a friend for his own safety. Luther had many dealings with Erasmus (1466-1536), a scholar who was his friend, but held different views than he did. Erasmus argued for the freedom of the will, and Luther argued for the bondage of the will.

Erasmus is "accused" of laying the egg that hatched the reformation. He also stayed loyal to Catholic ideas, so it is kind of interesting that he is in part blamed for the Reformation.

Another Reformer was John Calvin, founder of Calvinism. He founded the city of Geneva and modeled after his model city idea. He lived from 1509 to 1564.

Also there was Zwingli. He was more of a battlefield reformer and that is where he died. He was from Switzerland and lived from 1484 to 1531.