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Renaissnce means "to be born again" and that is basically what happened to Italy about this time. It took place from about the fourteenth century to the seventeenth, and was revival of art, music, politics, science, religion, and literature based on classical sources. In art, linear perspective was developed, and people like Leonardo DaVinci made pictures like the Mona Lisa. Leonardo DaVinci did lots of other things too, like anatomy and inventing. Theology also took a turn during this period, and the "humanity" of God was Emphasized.

There was a more humanistic study of everything, and not the same kind of humanism as "man is the measure". This type was not a rejection of Christianity, but rather promoted it. Everybody would study from the ancient Latin and Greek texts, since they wanted to be very smart. There were great works in this time period devoted to Church Literature, and there was Church patronage of art and music.

In architecture, many great cities were built on the ruins of old Roman ones. With money, the banking family of the Medicis, headed my Lorenzo Medici, was very prominent.

Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book, "The Prince" about whether it is better to be feared as leader, or loved. If people fear you, then they will obey, but you will have more enemies, but if you are loved, people will take advantage of you

Many things were invented during the Renaissance. There were:

Overall, the Renaissance was a period of great advancement in society in general.